The Politics of the Pandemic

This pandemic has changed our world and these changes will last for a long time. As a result, its effects will last much more than the pandemic will last itself. Here is how I think our world will change. Here, I will talk about international relationships.

I think that this will mark the demise of the United States as the global superpower, because of the inefficiencies within our government. We love leaders with charisma and speeches, but most of the time, they prove to not handle times like this right. This results in inefficiency within the government, with the parties squabbling and willing to let other states sink. We are the United States, not the Separate States US not reacting quickly enough and as much as it needs to. Coupled up with our president’s press briefings- with a lot of “sarcasm”-, it looks like a circus.

This results in other countries taking the helm. Right now, it seems like Germany, South Korea, Taiwan, and Canada will help lead the world. They have all dealt with this crisis very well- with a focus on science professionals and believing them, and also apologizing for their mistakes. And yet, they still respect democratic norms while doing so. We are looking at a future where my age group will interact with these countries because of their work in this pandemic. They will lead in science and policy.

While these will lead, the PRC won’t. They do have great manufacturing prowess, but will not diplomatic-wise. They have covered up the deaths and infections of COVID-19, and most countries agree. How can you trust a country that doesn’t disclose the problems they face? Overall, I think that China won’t be as strong as predicted because of this.

Next, I will talk about local relationships within NYC and the United States

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  1. Hola Sebi;

    muy bueno tu articulo.

    Respecto a la falta de liderazgo de USA, tu crees que se debe a que Trump no ha actuado con visión globa sino en función de complacer a su base electoral, o por el contrario se debe a la declinación de la influencia de USA en los asuntos mundiales?


  2. Querido Sebastián:
    Muy bueno tu artículo, sigue por ese camino. Te felicito.
    En estos días han estado circulando por las redes unos artículos que aplauden las actuaciones de 7 mujeres cabezas de gobierno, comenzando por Merkel. Para asomarse al futuro deberemos mirar a ese ángulo de la política mundial.
    Besos de tía Gioconda


  3. Wao Sebas, que buen artículo. Me has dejado sorprendido. La claridad de tus ideas, y el discurso argumentativo bien sustentado. That’s the way-… Keep going.


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